Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Piano Pooch

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The Math Wiz would probably die a little inside if he knew someone he knew learned piano off the internet.  Being a Math and Music Wiz and all.  The only reason I call him the Math Wiz is that “Math and Music Wiz” is way too big of a mouthful to say all the time.  So let it be known here that He does music quite well.  Professionally even.

Today’s game dabbles in my instrument of choice.  Badly by the way.  I’m not particularly phenomenal at the piano.  Piano Pooch hops along the keys and you have to remember which ones he hit in which order to play the Chinese New Year Concerto.  It’s a bit hard, but looks like it’s meant for younger children so I’d play this one yourself before unleashing your kids/students on it!


Look at Piano Pooch!  All decked out in traditional Chinese garb, cocked and a the ready to help you move along on the fantastic journey called “music exploration!”


See, he hops along the keys and you have to rebmember which order they go in so you can learn the piano concerto.  The keys are the same as you’d find on a real keyboard/piano, so it’s easily transposable to a real life keyboard.


Hop hop hop.  After each level, you win a composer’s bust too! 





Look!  I won Liszt!




Reccommended Age: Grade 3-6

Difficulty Level:


Fun Factor:


On a side note, I went to water my plants today.  Remember?  From my Food Glorious Food post?  Well guess what.  My black thumb didn’t get a chance to kill the plants.  The game has been discontinued!  I failed to notice that it was only for a limited time and a contest.  I was really quite disheartened to see that it was down.  But what can you do?  Those Who Be at The Internet make the rules, and not me.)


Sadly yours,

Miss B

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