Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Mandate.

Allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Miss B, and I am pursuing my undergraduate degree in Canadian History and Indigenous Studies.  What you may ask, am I planning on doing with these degrees that to some may seem very drone, boring and mundane?  Why, to be a teacher of course!  Although I do not have a class of my own to teach, and will not for a bit, my passion for education to everyone tends to be a touch higher than my roommates can tend to bear sometimes.

I decided to create this site, for myself and for those of you with classes of your own or children of your own as a one stop resource for fun educational things to do with your class (homeschooled or not) or your children on the weekend.  Every day and every thing should be a learning experience in some way shape or form, and I love to learn and be a part of learning.  My hope is that this blog can become a resource for parents, teachers and those who just love to learn to come and find something that is not only educational, but entertaining as well.

I plan to consistantly have weekly (at the very least) posts reviewing a new online game or two from different sites with an age suggestion for the game, a difficulty level, and a fun factor to review each game.  I hope to also get reviews from real kids as to what their opinions are for some games as well.  Because what my dad finds fun is not what I find fun.  And what I may find fun, a young student may not find fun.

I know this through personal experience.  From when I was old enough to buckle into a carseat, my dad was dragging me and my mom around to different museums.  Once my brother and sister were born and summer road trips became standard, every museum sign that we saw on our trip was stopped at.  There is a very good possibility that I have been to at least 75% of museums in the lower half of British Columbia.  Some of them twice.  I've been to places such as the O'Keefe Family Ranch for six hours straight (where, in an act of protest for the unjust amount of time that we spent there I spent around two and a half sitting on top of a very large statue of a horse.)

As you can see, it's very cute.  But after a while, very boring.

I've also been to a closed apple museum.  That's right.  It was closed.  My dad saw a sign for it on the way to some reletives, and hustled us all inside.  Unfortunately it was closed.  Fortunately, the beer and wine museum next door had a key and let us in so my father could revel in the glory of tractors, apple poems, and other farming equipment from ye olde days.  It wasn't until two years ago when my mum finally told me that she hated the museums and only went because it made my dad happy and it meant she could take her cross stiching to a garden or a bench and work on it there instead of in a moving vehicle.

Since those days of cringing every time I saw one of these signs:

I've grown to love them and now drag the Math Wiz to my local one every chance I get.

I hope you find this site as useful for you as it is for me, and I want you to feel free to give feedback on the various games and sites, and perhaps suggest some that I may not know about to review.

Happy Learning!

Miss B.

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